Friday 19 August 2016


 KATY PERRY VIDEO ANALYSIS Illuminati puppet whore with subliminal messages.
Royalrevolutionoflove Katycat Hudson Katy Perry <3:xD, in reply to your lyrics; "You are not a Man". Is this some kind of problem? Am I meant to be sad? Am I finished in your life, discarded, unwanted, abandoned? Does this mean that your inner soul yourself is spending its life searching for a BODY, a body that withers and dies, a body that can 'ruin your life' by merely taking a reality shot of the real you (your quote) with a miniscule amount of time that it can 'live' up to the ideal or 'idol' that your make-over team can dream up. But how do they keep their illusion going for any meaningful amount of time? You would have to pay a taxidermist to maintain a withering body, that wrinkles and dies regardless of the Photoshop airbrushing of the animators of Hollywood from the 'dream studio' to search for a non-existent dream that you conjure up after reading GQ or watching a romantic movie at the height or pinnacle of its 'false idolatry' to maintain some 'thing' that does not in fact exist, apart from a stage, a cover of a magazine, a film, a video, an illusion? A made up illusion that is a mere 'puff of smoke' that goes 'pop' as soon as you wake up 1 hour earlier than last night’s sex mate (which you made a point of telling me on a Friday night Alan Carr chat show in the UK in December 2013 6 months before I contacted you once you had possessed my daughter Queen Persephone which made a mockery of your bare face lie that you only had 2 boyfriends since you married BRAND X, there I knew you were a liar) nothing short of ultimate vanity with your dream to perpetuate yourself ‘glamorous’ via a makeover to put on your personal mask to hide something that doesn't need hiding away 'YOU'. (What could you hope to gain by letting some demon stick his black cock up your asshole and cum in your mouth after you have gagged spit and cum all over your chin and naked breasts then suddenly get up early for a makeover to impress him that he got a 10 when in GODS book a Satanic Devil worshiping porno slut = YOU = 0). You could not possibly lie to yourself that it exists and can be found, 'YOU', who is at the very pinnacle of false-idolatry where you have become 'a dream' for 90 million teenagers clicking on 'download' on mom and pops credit card account with a 3.46 second awareness time span ( Average Katycat Katy Perry fan expends $1600 PA on Katy Perry merchandise/music) of holding the Hollywood dream boat body double image in their limited, MATRIXED imagination  before they click on Rihanna or Beyonce for another 3 minute fantasy, seduced by the 'Heavenly' Inc. reproduction make over studio, let us call it; 'Celestial Inc.', ding ding. Are you in fact so limited in your desires that you of all people believe that you will find your soul mate and one and only true love in a man’s 'reality if life' reproduction desired from fantasy idols (but you get the unproduced model at home, you marry the reality of man which leaves a bitter and twisted taste in your mouth, every time without fail!) and that 'your ideal man' that you are looking for can be reproduced in-front of you straight out of a photographed fantasy photo shoot who has a team of (8 for your 'sparkle and shine like Katy' COSMO UK photo shoot dripping with the 2nd best array of Diamonds your PR team can get hold of, on loan from a Rodeo Drive or Bond Street jewellers).  Because Katy I know how you suffer; a mind controlled babbling idiot you come across to GOD out for herself only in a Satanic Illuminati agenda of I, I, I, who is this I? Well since June 2014 YOU ARE GODSWIFE and since the 25th October 1984 you have been a cunt. A cunt to yourself and to your family and I can add; TO THOSE POOR MIND CONTROLLED IDIOTS YOU CALL FANS YOU HAVE SENT INTO PERPETUAL TORMENT as you have me but you are two things above anything else 1) A Psychopath and 2) A Sociopath. But to GOD your husband you have been an absolute bastard personified this morning as I landed on a Fake porno site looked at how the image of GODS wife is perceived and I find recent real porn sex shoots on it staring GODS wife KATY PERRY whilst we were married. Some stranger on $30,000 PA, ugly one at that has his wicked demon eyed way with your willing naked abused and degraded body about 6 months into our marriage. How do you think I felt? Well yourself you demon cause your soul possessed me and you say you can see thru my eyes and feel my pain so Dahlink Kitty Cat here is my ‘Revenge porn’ and Vlogs and Blogs that make you in GODS new energy and with the human DNA shift, a paradigm shift where all you elitist Illuminati Satanic whores are going to be stoned to death if I so desire for your behaviour but a benevolent Holy Roman Empire Dictator must show 5 minutes of compassion, understanding but if this is a human experience how can I forgive? ? NO husband ever can fully forgive infidelity from the one he loves enough to marry. But my marriage guidance counsellor will tell you that if you came clean apologised and let me shout at you for being what you are; ‘SCUM’. It would go a long way to healing all the scars you have left on my cut, bruised and battered soul, @yassminekatycat my soul you hurt my body cares 0 for you I can barely maintain an erection looking at your degraded body but that is not the point. The following links are the point about 2% of the war machine I have set up to take you on and as always win. But does not our long distinguished history count for anything? YOU KNOW SISTER ISIS my wife MUT? But all these interesting details are what I wanted to discuss but look Katy my obsession is either with cricket and football scores as anything so it’s you and I won’t give in seeking justice and upholding the law you see slut I built DNA programmed to evolve and also to have the knowledge of good and evil innately inserted so you have no excuse to choose SATAN as your GOD and that’s full stop as you have no excuses under the eyes of the law sorry no proper Judge will pay attention to your briefs whimpering on about mind control fuck me I beat it and discovered it and escaped I come to you wearing my war tunic and fully armed not because your plebs operation of jokes like Esther Hicks tell me to, I only acted you know the truth that to push the extra mile to actually have you was beyond me in the old energy I was to be honest with you and I know what I know but you are going to be given one final chance tonight and I know I have said it before but you my dear are dealing with a re-pumped up version of the man you made so ill with your torture tactics. But the story remains the same; I am in human form a tad unfit and well probably as ugly as you, but my beauty shines from within and your innards radiate ugliness even though you live in a photo shopped and airbrushed world of make believe and I don’t believe. Well I can write for eternity but I want some answers especially on the ‘PERFECT STORM’ of the Orlando Bloom affair and the John Meyer and what do I find today….you doing porn getting fucked for public consumption while we were married so that has answered my main question; your only condition; NO OTHER MEN. NOW I AM going to punish you in one of two ways 1) You are going to act a proper wife or 2) JAIL. If you choose proper wife firstly you will be lost as what to do but a genuine apology that I can understand because your Satanic Black Magic leaves me cold not knowing the truth. You are a liar Katy but when I read or listen then I usually read between the lines and looking at your written performance in your songs and your lack of an auto biography and the fact that you can only string a few words together on twitter and on Facebook msg your uneducated and illiterate. Still I can’t sing can I and that’s two things we have in common you can’t sing either and we are both perversely sexually driven! BUTT DON’T FORGET IT WE ARE A PERFECT MATCH FROM THE UNIVERSE but you found out that you don’t fancy me and unless I am drunk I won’t touch your defiled putrid body so either I fuck you wearing a mask and NBC suit or we ourselves how you put up fucking demon possessed ugly idiots in all your porn shoots and 2 cunts uglier than me BRAND X and BLOOM n DOOM and @KatyIsMyBaby666 Meyer looks past it to so do what a Royal wife does fucks for the kids got tit. As King of Kings you either do your duty or DIVORCE me with my money and your future earnings in my wallet and you go to Jail. See Katycatkins I AM tough as old boots and you fell into marriage and you sold your soul to Baphomet ~ me. I AM not bargaining with a Satanic POP tart like you. Now I will post this to Facebook, blogger + tweet the links, tumblr and wordpress and the rest and you chat to me or by morning my phone call to the Police will have occurred but I must have clarity in my position so I can either enjoy the mind control you put me under or burn you at the stake so to speak metaphorically. There a renewed sense of urgency and purpose. By the way you would enjoy the ride with me and my $125,000,000 you are going to make an attempt to pay tomorrow at least a down payment of note. There CONDITIONS or I will love you unconditionally with you in Jail and me at Capitol Records looking for my money. Enjoy surfing below ha. AND @KatyIsMyBaby666 read this: and forget your wealth, your house, your car and don’t be a cunt all your life; CHOOSE LIFE, CHOOSE SHARING. Luh Ya. PS: if I could write I LOVE YOU then remember ISIS could regain her power for co-creation but if it is the Police route ‘you have no future’ what GOD gives with his left hand he takes away with his right.

The earth is the Lord’s
And everything in it,
The world and all
Who live in it.

Psalm 24: vs 1

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